Our association helps with organizing medical care for children suffering from severe and rare illnesses, as long as there is a chance of an improvement. We also raise funds for their treatment.
The decision concerning the admission to the aid program is based on the principle of protecting the child's rights and directed by the interests of each and every child.
...The child has to be under the age of 18 years.
...The child is in need of medical care, the absence of which endangers the child's survival.
...The child does not receive assistance from another aid organization.
...All required documents are available.
...The necessary medical procedures cannot be provided in the country of residence.
...the examination and treatment at the clinic.
...the practitioner's fee and the administrative costs, as long as those do not exceed 20% of the total cost of the treatment.
...the medication.
...the medical care of outpatients.
...expenses resulting from renting medical equipment and material costs.
...the examination and visits to the doctor for outpatients.
As a requirement for the assessment of the request of admission, the parents or guardians need to fill out the application in full.
The application can be submitted through all conventional means: by mail, fax, email or in person. Additional documents must be submitted along with the application as copies.
The following documents must be submitted with the application:
The priority in planning our aid activities lies on helping those children who need immediate life saving help!
…administrative expenses and practitioner's fees exceeding 20% of the total cost of the treatment.
…travel expenses.
…accommodation and subsistence outside of the clinic.
…translation services that are not included in the clinic's bill
…on-site attendance and intermediaries
...alternative methods of treatment
The association reserves the right to discontinue the collection of donations and further assistance (premature termination of the agreement) under the following circumstances:
The treatment received in Germany proves to be ineffective.
The administrative costs and the practitioner's fees exceed 20% of the total cost of the treatment.
If misconduct on the part of the parents is discovered, more precisely:
In case of immediate termination of the agreement on providing relief actions, our association will decide independently what is to be done with the collected donations, that is, whether the funds will be used to pay for the already performed treatment or passed on to another child.
* The association allows independently raising donations to pay for personal requirements, e.g. accommodation and subsistence outside of the clinic, which are transferred to a private donations account, as long as such fund raising is carried out within the legal limits of the country of residence. Parents and legal guardians bear responsibility for their actions. Our association assumes no liability.
Vorsitzende: Alesya Kravchenko
Dennacherstr. 23
75334 Straubenhardt
Tel. 07082 940771
Fax 07082 940772
IBAN: DE33666500850008911770
Stichwort: Grosses-Herz
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