Großes Herz für Kleine e.V.

Vlad Bogomazov


Fundraising for the treatment at the National Scientific and Practical Centre of Children’s Health in Moscow

Cost of the treatment:

115 310 rubles


National Scientific and Practical Centre of Children’s Health in Moscow

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Vlad Bogomazov, 7 years old, Kharkov, Ukraine

Vlad's story:

Diagnosis: Mucoviscidosis

Vlad is just 7 years old. Here is the story of his mother Natalia:

Vlad had complex bowel surgeries, 20 centimeters of his bowel were removed, but he toughed it out like a hero. When he was 4 years old, he experienced a lung laceration, all the air went under his skin; he remained in intensive care unit for 10 days. Just by the grace of God and thanks to doctors’ efforts, my son overcame everything.


During all his 7 years Vlad has needed high-priced medications which the government can’t allocate, unfortunately. For that reason, the mother who brings up her son on her own has to write endless requests to charitable organizations in order to provide her son with vital medications for at least one or two months more.


Vlad has begun to go to school recently, he has become a pupil. He keeps believing in miracles in spite of all misfortunes. Vlad is a curios boy, he likes riding a bike, piecing together toy constructions and puzzles. But his biggest dream is to become a fireman, a lifesaver.


Vlad is an example of stamina, love for life and the true fighter. He knows the value of human life; this is precisely why he dreams of saving other lives when he grows up. Fundraising for the treatment is opened in the clinic of Moscow. 


If you would like to help little Vlad, contact us by email at the following adress: